WIDN: Packing for my crochet retreat
Last week played out just as I expected. Much of my time was used prepping for back to school and very little time was spent with my yarn. But fear not...progress was made on some projects. Both my crochet test and shawl collar with a basket pattern projects are still on my hooks almost finished and a few more have made their way into my queue. But all will be completed this week because this week is Retreat Week!
Every year, the Crocheters of the Lakes chapter of the Crochet Guild of America has a retreat for its members where we crochet and eat and laugh and eat and crochet and eat and enjoy each other's company. And eat. Sometimes, we even have an outing or a little tutorial about a new pattern or technique. It's an excellent weekend away with fiber and friends!
My challenge for this week is to pack my projects for this weekend and not over pack. Historically, I have exponentially over packed for this retreat. I would really prefer not to do that this time and in an effort to do that, I'm going to share my plans with all of you!
Let me begin by saying that I really hope to have my crochet test and my shawl collar finished before the retreat but if I don't, those will be coming with as well.

The Never Ending Baby Blanket
First on my list is this baby blanket that I should have had done over a month ago. I have about a skein and a half left to finish it. It's nothing more than a hexagon that goes until you run out of yarn but I've been very pokey with it. This is my top priority so I can gift it to the itty bitty lady who's already here!

Casper Mountain Cowl
I have had this lovely skein of handspun merino and tencel blend yarn that was gifted to me by my friend, Sharon, in my stash for a few months now. It's been staring at me, all wound in its cake, begging me to play with it. It's next on my list for the retreat! I plan on tackling the Casper Mountain Cowl by Abbey Swanson of The Firefly Hook. I think the yarn's color and texture are the perfect match for this pattern.

Now, I don't plan on finishing this project on retreat but I do plan on swatching it with a buddy! Since knit lace and knit charts have been my nemesis, I felt it best to tackle this project as a KAL with my friend, Deb. We fell in love with Hunter Hammersen's Filmot pattern when we saw a sample at Stitches in the Yarn Culture New York booth. We picked up skeins of Kismet Fiber Works Sleek Fingering which is, sadly, no longer being dyed (sniff sniff) for this project. Hopefully, we can get gauge swatches made and maybe even begin it.

Princess Bride Scarf
"She still hasn't finished it?! INCONCEIVABLE!" I know...I know...shame on me. This little beauty got put on the back burner while I worked on some other projects. I plan on hopefully finishing this Mini Skein Sampler scarf that features Phydeaux Designs mystery mini skeins this week, though, or else be thrown in the Pit of Despair.

Simply A Shoulder Warmer
Sticking with my bulky projects theme for this month, I thought I'd give the Simply A Shoulder Warmer pattern a go since it's bulky and should be a quick project. I have one more skein of Zen Yarn Garden Serenity Chunky in my stash that I think would look lovely with this.

Thrummed Mittens
I haven't had much chance to work on these more and I'm hoping that maybe I will during the retreat. Thrumming is pretty fun!

New Designs!
I have a new design that I've been working on since Stitches but I ended up needing more yarn. I'm picking up some on Tuesday and then I may get back at the project. More details to come once I have it all written and tested!

Jet Setter
This is one of those "if I have time to get to it" projects. It's another bulky cowl but this time, knit! The Jet Setter is a StevenB design that I happened to snag for free a few weeks back. I picked up a skein of Madelintosh A.S.A.P. to use for the project. TOSH! TOSH! TOSH!

Father Time Cowl
This is another "if I have time" project. Or...I may make this my little "work a bit as you go" project. Maybe do a row an hour or something. We'll see! I need to get back to the Father Time Cowl with my Leading Men Fiber Arts, though, because I want to wear it!
And, of course, looking at this list, it's probably a bit more ambitious than it should be! But who cares? Better to have them with me! Let's see how much I can manage to get through in just a few days :)