WIDN: Trying not to start too many projects all at once
Maybe it's the chill in the air. Maybe it's life piling up. Maybe it's because there isn't much football on that I care about (come on, Bears!!) or I'm patiently waiting for the post-season to start (GO CUBS GO!). Maybe it's just because I love all my yarn so much. Whatever the reason, I've had a horrible case of project A.D.D. lately and I have the urge to start every project immediately. Obviously, that is neither practical nor rational, but nevertheless, it's where I am right now. I did manage to check something huge off of last week's list... THE NEVER ENDING BABY BLANKET HAS BEEN FINISHED!!!

I really don't know what my hang up was about it. I put on a couple episodes of Bones and I was finished in no time. Now I need to send them to mama and itty bitty so they can be loved on! Another thing that I need to nail down ASAP is this year's Christmas ornament. I make ornaments for my sons' teachers every year. Last year's was my Beaded Christmas Tree Ornament design. Sadly, I won't have time to design one this year so to the Ravelry searches I go! Out of last week's to do list, I managed to touch everything but a couple things. I think that's pretty good considering that it was the end of the month and I had a bunch of tasks to complete before the beginning of October. This week's list includes everything still from last week without finishing the blanket along with some housekeeping items for the blog and...well...my house! I'm also jumping back on the workout wagon and getting back into my routine (easier said than done most days but I do my best). I was contemplating casting on a pair of socks for my oldest son, but I've instead decided to work more on my Princess Bride scarf. But I have to admit...being practical sometimes is rough! I really want to get through both pairs of socks for my sons so I can get back to all the fun ones I have planned for myself :) Last week's short trip to Elgin Knit Works was a fun one! I went with the intention of picking up a skein for a swap that I'm participating in but I didn't see anything that would work well for the box I'm putting together (never fear...I figured out the answer today). I picked up this beautiful skein of Madelinetosh Home...

...and Knitted Wit Victory Sock...

...and I stopped there before I got carried away.
I worked through the one skein of Tosh Home already with the Jet Setter cowl by StevenBe. Don't you just love a a quick pattern?!
I hope everyone is having an awesome Monday! Here's to us all being ambitious this week!